Our approach to music focuses on the fundamentals of music such as rhythm, tone, meter, harmony, melody, musical scales, and musical literacy in order to give students a strong foundation and joy with music.

Musical training, especially at a young age, has an amazing impact on cognitive development, motor skills, social skills, and creativity. Music connects many different subjects in a fun way that children love. The music program consists of core songs as well as topics of the day. These songs cover different aspects of music fundamentals: including the musical clefs, the staff, note lengths, rests, and more. This gives the students a great foundation in musical training and teaches them about steady beat and melody. They will learn about different instruments and different styles of music from around the world.

Our approach to music focuses on the fundamentals of music such as rhythm, tone, meter, harmony, melody, scales, and musical literacy. These subjects give students a strong foundation and an enjoyment of music.
Students will be encouraged to engage and participate in the different activities while singing/playing instruments and learning core songs from the program.
- Sing With Me
- Honey Bees
- Monkey Walking Down The Street
- Topic of the day: The topic changes every week.
Children will learn about basic theory of music, the notes in music with
Kodaly method, rhythm, and different music of the world.